Friday, 24 February 2012

Week 4 (270 lbs) | Loss -2lbs | Total Loss -2lbs

Week 4 then and 2 lbs lighter. Not a sterling attempt, but at least it went in the right direction this week. I am slightly dissappointed with myself because I ate salads at work in the week - so it was "other times" that got me. Only got myself to blame.

I was at the gym Saturday, Monday and Thursday and cycled every day to work. I didn't do a bike ride last weekend...I could use thew excuse that I had DIY to do - and I did - but I had time, if I'd wanted, to fit a 10 mile ride in.

Going to the gym on Saturday knocked me out - I don't normally go to the gym on a weekend because I tend to have a wee drink on a Friday...but as I wasn't drinking, I woke up and thought I might as well go to the gym.

I have my gears to sort out on my bike, so I will be going out on it this weekend. They're the bane of my life! I've had nothing but trouble with them and not knowing the correct way to adjust them, it seems I tend to make them worse than better. But I've seen some videos on Youtube and I'll give them another look this weekend.

I hope for a better try next week with the weight - it's down to me - no-one else will do it - I know that.

Trouble is - I love exercising. Once I'm out on my bike or at the gym, I love's just actually getting there - I always have other things I like doing. And unfortunately, one of them is eating.

Anyway - -2lbs - I'll take it.

So lets try for 4lbs this week. Lets see what I can do if I actually really try.